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Member Verification

Secure your server by setting up a verification system!


/verification button [Admin only]

This command will generate a verification button linked with a role.


  • color - Color of the button.
  • role - Role to be assigned to those who presses the verification button.

/verification embed [Admin only]

This command will generate an embed without the button.


  • title - Title for the embed. Located at the very top.
  • description - Main content of the embed.
  • color - Color for the embed. Please use hexcode like #ffffff.
  • image - Image located at the bottom of the embed.
  • thumbnail - Image located at the upper right of the embed.
  • footer - Small text at the very bottom.


Member Verification


How to fix "Missing Access" or "Missing Permissions?

  • Please ensure that I have a permission to send messages in the channel. Use this invite link to reset my permissions.
  • My role might be at the bottom of the role hierarchy. Please drag my role at the top of the one that you want to assign to new members.
  • The role that you want to assign to new members might have Administrator role. Please select a role that does not have the powerful permissions.